We recently informed you that during the 29th Grand Finale of the Great Orchestra of Christmas Charity we donated a Famed OPTIMA operating table to the Foundation, which is already serving doctors at Parkitka Hospital in Częstochowa. Surgeons at this hospital perform more than a thousand and one hundred surgeries a year, including 400 anastomoses that often require millimeter precision, so we are convinced that our equipment has found its way into the right hands. The table went to the Pediatric Orthopedics and Traumatology Department of the hospital in Czestochowa, so we are doubly pleased that it will not only be a helpful tool for surgeons, but will also support the treatment of the youngest patients.
Doctors at Parkitka Hospital provide expert assistance to up to two thousand young patients a year. Among other things, they specialize in treating complex fractures. For this reason, the donated table is equipped with a special top for hand surgery, as well as a carbon – transparent orthopedic lift, with accessories dedicated to procedures of this type.
– Of trauma cases, we have already operated on, among others, a broken tibia bone with secondary displacement, initially treated conservatively in plaster immobilization. Thanks to the translucency of the distal part of the Famed Optima table and its footrests, it was possible to place an intramedullary ESIN anastomosis with TENsystem wires quickly and without the need for subsequent plaster immobilization. For the patient, this professional wording means an almost immediate possibility of rehabilitation and the prospect of a faster recovery, says Dr. Andrzej Krempaszanka, head of the Department of Pediatric Surgery and Traumatology, NMP Regional Specialized Hospital in Częstochowa.
Czestochowa doctors can boast 20 years of experience in their specialty. During this period, the technologies they use have changed significantly. Twenty years ago, it was common to place indirect or direct limb lifts for a period of 2-4 weeks and plaster immobilizations, as a result of which the patient was almost “bedridden.”
– Today, we no longer use such solutions, and our work is significantly facilitated by specialized lift tables. Thanks to WOŚP and Famed Żywiec, we can perform procedures using an operating table functionally adapted to our needs and equipped with dedicated accessories,” adds Dr. Krempaszanka.
Famed Optima is the world’s first operating table fully covered with carbon fiber, a material with good X-ray translucency properties and less susceptible to damage. Using it reduces the risk of damaging components of a mobile X-ray machine during surgery, when valuable equipment can easily be unintentionally damaged. The table can be used, for example, in neurosurgery, orthopedics, cardiology, bariatrics, gynecology or general surgery. Good translucency parameters make it possible to limit the radiation dose transmitted to the patient and staff. This is important in view of the risk of radiation-related lesions for doctors and nurses resulting from frequent exposure to radiation. Up to dozens of X-rays can be taken during a single operation.
See how OPTIMA presents itself in the operating room.