Reinsberg Group

Privacy policy

This Privacy Policy has been adopted in relation with the entry into force of the Regulation (EU) 2016/679 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 27 April 2016 on the protection of natural persons with regard to the processing of personal data and on the free movement of such data, and repealing Directive 95/46/EC (Official Journal of the European Union, L 119/1 of 4 May 2016; hereinafter: GDPR). The goal of the Policy is in particular the fulfilment of the informative obligation, referred to in Article 13 and 14 of the GDPR).



  • This Policy outlines the rules of the storage of information and access to information already stored on Customer’s Devices by the Controller in form of Cookie files.
  • Any terms defined in the Regulations shall retain their meaning, also on the grounds of this Policy. Additionally, the following terms shall have the following meaning:
  • Cookies – shall refer to IT data, in particular small text files, saved and stored on devices used by the Customer to view the web pages of the On-line Store,
  • Own Cookies – are Cookie files sent by the Seller, related with the provision of e-services by the Seller through the On-line Store,
  • External Cookies – are Cookie files sent by third parties through the web page of the On-line Store,
  • Policy – this Cookie Policy, constituting Appendix No. 2 to the Regulations,
  • Device – shall mean an electronic device used by the Customer to access the On-line Store.


  • The Controller uses Cookie files to store the information on the Customer’s Device or to access already stored information – according to the rules specified herein.
  • The Controller shall use the following types of Cookie files:
  • Session Cookies: stored on the Customer’s Device until the end of a session of a given web browser. Then, saved data is permanently removed from the memory of the Device,
  • Permanent Cookies: stored on the Customer’s Device until deleting. These files are not removed from the memory of the Device after the end of a web browser session or device shutdown.
  • The use of the Cookie files by the Controller shall not cause any modification to the configuration of the Customer’s Device and the software installed in that Device.



 1. Definitions

The following terms shall be used in this Personal Data Protection Policy:

  • Us, Famed Żywiec Sp. z o. o., Personal Data Controller – with the registered office in Żywiec, at ul. Fabryczna 1, entered into the Register of Entrepreneurs kept by the District Court in Bielsko Biała, 8th Commercial Division of the National Court Register under KRS number 0000437709, VAT ID (NIP) 527-268-59-25, REGON number 146369568.
  • You, Mr., Mrs., Ms. – persons whose personal data are processed by Famed Żywiec Sp. z o.o.


2. Who is the data controller?

The data controller is the entity setting the purposes and methods of processing of personal data. The controller of your personal data is Famed Żywiec Spółka z ograniczoną odpowiedzialnością with the registered office in Żywiec.

3. What personal data are processed?

In connection with our activity, we process the personal data of: our business partners who are natural persons (including: customers, suppliers, etc.), contact persons indicated by the said business partners (including: sales representatives, persons appointed as responsible for the fulfilment of common projects, drivers, etc.), addressees of our correspondence, persons applying for admission to our manufacturing plant, as well as persons interested in employment at our company. The scope of processed personal data shall in each case be adequate to the purpose of processing.

4. What are the purposes of personal data processing?

Your personal data may be processed for the following purposes:

  • performance of a contract to which you are party or in order to take steps at your request prior to entering into a contract (based on Article 6.1 (b) GDPR). In such case, personal data shall be processed during the contract period, as well as during a period following its expiration required to fully perform the rights and obligations under that agreement;
  • compliance with a legal obligation to which the controller is subject, in particular within the scope of tax regulations, accounting and archiving regulations, anti-money laundering regulations, etc. (Article 6.1 (c) GDPR). In such case, the data processing period shall be determined by relevant regulations;
  • for the purposes of our legitimate interests (Article 6.1 (f) GDPR) – consisted in:
    • performing direct marketing activity relating to our products and services,
    • preparing summaries, analyses and statistics – which particularly includes marketing analyses, commercial data analyses, service development planning, etc.
    • resolving, seeking or defending claims,
    • maintaining correspondence using any known technologies, including: mail, e-mail and other methods of communication (e.g. instant messengers, etc.),
    • telephone contact,
    • initiating and maintaining business contacts,
    • proper display of our web pages,
    • performing visual monitoring of our manufacturing plant (plants) – to the extent necessary to ensure security of persons and property located in its (their) area and to keep the secrecy of information, disclosure of which might be detrimental to us.

In the cases specified in item 3 – the personal data shall be processed as long at the interest in relation to which these personal data are processed exists. In particular: (i) marketing activities shall be performed until your submission of an appropriate objection, while (ii) the visual monitoring data shall be stored for no more than 3 months, unless the commonly valid regulations specify otherwise.

  • in certain cases your personal data may be processed for other purposes, based on an appropriate consent – expressed voluntarily, specifically, consciously and unambiguously (Art. 6.1 (a) GDPR). Your consent shall in particular be the grounds for the processing of data acquired for the purposes of recruitment procedures (data included in CV, etc.).

In such case: (i) personal data shall be processed within a period adequate to the purpose indicated in the consent, (ii) you are entitled to revoke your consent at any moment, without effect on the legality of the processing performed on the grounds of the consent prior its revoking.

5. Is providing personal data mandatory?

There is no obligation to provide your personal data. However, a refusal may result in inability to conclude or execute an already concluded agreement, or prevent us from performing other activities (e.g. sending correspondence, granting admission to the manufacturing plant, participation in a recruitment process, etc.).


6. Can personal data be processed in automated decision-making procedures, including qualified profiling?

Currently we do not perform any operations in which automated decision-making would occur, followed by legal consequences for their addressees or affecting them in an equally significant manner. Should such operations related with personal data processing be implemented in future – we will ensure conformity with applicable laws, including Art. 22 GDPR.


7. Who can obtain your personal data from us?

Your personal data may be provided to third parties only in case of a legal obligation or entitlement to do so. The recipients of the personal data may be in particular:

  • processing bodies, including:
    • individuals maintaining our infrastructure or IT systems, as well as responsible for the disposal of redundant documentation or data carriers,
    • subcontractors, participating in the fulfilment of our obligations towards you,
    • individuals providing services related with the execution and improvement of the sales process (e.g. payment agents, couriers or carriers, advertising agencies, experts participating in complaint procedures),
    • individuals providing auditing or consulting services for us – e.g. related to legal, tax or accounting assistance,
  • other controllers, including:
    • public administration bodies entitled to demand provision of personal data,
    • entities affiliated with our company,
    • other entities – if the nature of services that they provide for us causes that such entities can set the purposes and methods of personal data processing individually and, as a result, act as personal data controllers. It may particularly concern: advertising agencies, contest and promotional event organisation agencies, banks, couriers and carriers, as well as entities cooperating in accounting, tax settlement and resolving of legal issues,
    • assignees of your receivables – if we decide to sell such receivables, in particular due to occurrence of a considerable delay in payment.

We shall not disclose your personal data to parties not entitled to processing these data.

8. Can your personal data be transferred outside the European Economic Area (EEA)?

Currently we do not envisage transferring your personal data outside the European Economic Area. However, we may consider it reasonable in future. In such case, we will ensure a degree of protection of your personal data required by the common laws, in particular by applying the Standard Contractual Clauses (SCC).


9. What are your rights related with personal data processing?

In particular, you may request for:

  • access to the processed data (including: the information on the data processing operations performed or providing a copy of processed data),
  • correction (modification) of personal data,
  • restriction of processing (ceasing to perform data processing operations or non-deleting the personal data),
  • deleting the personal data (“the right to be forgotten”),
  • transferring the data to another controller.

These requests may be submitted in particular in the form specified in section 13 below – and shall be examined according to applicable laws, including Art. 15 to 20 GDPR.

10. The objection right

Notwithstanding the foregoing, you are entitled to object to the processing of your personal data, performed based on our legitimate interest. In such case:

  • if your personal data are processed for marketing purposes – we shall cease such processing immediately,
  • if the grounds for data processing is another interest – we shall cease such processing, unless we demonstrate that: a) the said interest is overriding in relation to your interests, rights and freedoms, or b) there are grounds for settlement, seeking or defending claims.

The objection right may be executed in particular by submitting an appropriate statement, in a form specified in section 13 below.


11. Complaint with a supervisory authority

If in your opinion processing of relevant personal data constitutes a breach of any valid laws – you have the right to lodge a complaint with a supervisory authority, i.e. the President of the Personal Data Protection Office.


12. Site of publication and updating of the Privacy Policy

This Privacy Policy may be modified from time to time. The current version of the Privacy Policy will be always available on our website at:


13. How to contact us?

Should you have any questions concerning the use of your personal data, please contact us by telephone or e-mail, or send us a letter at:

  • Famed Żywiec Sp. z o.o.
  • Fabryczna 1, 34-300 Żywiec
  • with a note: „Personal data protection”
  • tel. +48 33 8666212
  • e-mail:
Contact us