Reinsberg Group

Famed Żywiec medical equipment assists with innovative liver transplant surgery

Famed Żywiec medical equipment assists with innovative liver transplant surgery

Famed Żywiec operating table and the first such operation in Poland

A team of transplant surgeons led by Prof. Michal Grêt recently performed an innovative liver transplant operation at the UCK WUM Department of General, Transplant and Liver Surgery. This is the first such procedure in Poland, involving the use of a method of prior perfusion under normothermia, which allows doctors to make sure the liver is functioning properly and suitable for transplantation while still outside the human body. The liver taken from the donor is placed in a special machine that allows the organ’s blood flow to be recreated and its function monitored outside the body of the recipient. This significantly reduces the risk of post-transplant complications related to the failure of the implanted organ to work. You can read more about this in here.

Famed Zywiec medical equipment has been used for years by surgeons at the University Clinical Center of Warsaw Medical University. The same was true for the innovative liver transplant operation. We are pleased that our operating table assisted the surgeons on such an important day. Even before the Christmas holidays, the Central Operating Theatre of the Central Clinical Hospital was enriched with more units of Famed OPTIMA and Famed FLARE operating tables.
