Arab Health – a hub of innovation and partnerships Arab Health is the largest medical trade fair in the Middle East and one of the most prestigious industry events worldwide. Each year, it attracts over 60,000 …
Medical equipment from Famed Żywiec at Arab Health 2024 In less than a month, Dubai will become the global capital of the medical industry, thanks to one of the world's largest medical equipment exhibitions - Arab …
On behalf of the entire team of FamedŻywiec, all our employees and partners, we would like to convey best wishes for Christmas and the upcoming New Year. Let it happen, whatever you dream of…
In less than three weeks, the MEDICA 2023, one of the most important European meetings of the MedTech industry, will take place. The representatives of Famed Żywiec will also be there in Dusseldorf (13th-16th November 2023). …
We got it!!! Another country has joined our export map. This is already the 114th country whose medical facilities trust our products. It is Mongolia. The International Medical Center LLC, operating in the country's capital, …
An intensive May! We invite you to visit events and medical congresses where we present our equipment and where our representatives and partners are at your disposal. We look forward to seeing you in six …
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