Reinsberg Group

Polish medical equipment at Arab Health 2023

Polish medical equipment at Arab Health 2023


Arab Health is one of the most important health industry events. The event in Dubai brings together a large number of end-users and representatives of medical equipment manufacturers. This year’s edition, which took place from 30.01-2.02, was marked by a higher attendance than in pre-pandemic times. Among the exhibitors, there was no shortage of Polish companies doing well on global markets.

Polish medical equipment manufacturer with awaited launches

Polish medical equipment manufacturer Famed Żywiec presented Famed Optima and Famed Hyperion universal operating tables in Dubai, along with accessories including a premiere system for shoulder surgery. It was developed in collaboration with specialists in this speciality from St Luke’s Hospital in Bielsko-Biała. Famed also presented the Famed NANO ICU bed, equipped with the most precise patient weighing system on the market and a variable-pressure mattress.

Specialised operating table and accessories

– Special attention was attracted by the accessories and operating tables which we presented in the form of complex configurations prepared for specific surgical specialities – orthopaedics, MIS or neurosurgery. Such comprehensive solutions make it possible, for example, to speed up preparation for surgery and patient positioning. For many of the doctors visiting our stand, this approach of offering comprehensive solutions was new. From the doctor’s viewpoint, this is extremely important, as it considerably simplifies the work and, on the other hand, avoids problems. It should be remembered that incorrect positioning of patients can lead to pressure sores or nerve paralysis. These can extend the treatment process, which is important from the patient’s point of view and the costs of the whole process – says Michał Grossy, product manager at Famed Żywiec. – The really high interest in the proposed solutions confirms our assumption that comprehensiveness remains one of the key trends in our industry – he adds.

Polish MedTech is not only medical equipment

There was no shortage of other Polish companies among the exhibitors. Poland is valued not only for equipment such as operating tables or hospital beds, such as those created at the Żywiec factory. Visitors of the trade fair could also learn about solutions on the borderline between IT and medicine, developed by start-ups focused on augmented reality and e-learning content. Our country offers more than just the outsourcing of IT services, and the sector also includes dynamic companies developing software created with the health sector in mind. As Michal Grossy comments, many Arab Health visitors, and Famed customers from all over the world, also use the services of Polish manufacturers of bone anastomosis components, surgical instruments or other types of devices.

Polish medical equipment well-known and appreciated all over the world

– On many occasions our export partners ask us to recommend companies from Poland that manufacture equipment that Famed does not have on the offer. This mainly concerns diagnostic or vital signs monitoring equipment, although there are also requests for medical furniture, for example. This is a sign that the quality of ‘made in Poland’ is appreciated and, which is a special distinction for us, that they have confidence in our expert assessment as regards meeting their high quality expectations – adds Michał Grossy.

Polish medical equipment manufacturer: Arab Health 2023 was one of the busiest medical events in recent years

– A high number of visitors, including many representing businesses from the Middle East, Africa, Central Asia and South Asia. Attending the event gives an idea of the trends in techniques used by practitioners and, consequently, the technologies that manufacturers should develop. At the same time, it is an excellent opportunity for market research and action planning – comments Marek Suczyk, Vice-President of Famed Żywiec. – The Polish medical sector is doing well because it offers high-quality products and solutions that do not stand out from those offered by global brands. What is more, we offer a lot of innovation. All this is very positively received and builds the reputation of Polish MedTech in the world – he concludes.
