Young Polish doctors and medical students associated in the RÉSONNEZ organization invite you to a series of webinars devoted to radiology. A total of 12 sessions will be held, covering topics such as radiological diagnostics of breast cancer, chest X-ray, interventional radiology or diagnosing fractures on X-ray images. So far, more than 3,000 medical students and resident physicians to whom the project is dedicated have confirmed their participation in the trainings. One of the partners of the series is Famed Żywiec, which develops the technology of using carbon fibre in medical imaging equipment.
«Polish Radiology Month», is the largest series of meetings with radiology, which has taken the form of a series of webinars. A total of 12 sessions devoted to various aspects of this field of medicine will be held, starting from January 10, 2021. Registration is possible via Behind the initiative are members of RÉSONNEZ, an organization which brings together students of Poznań University of Medical Sciences and young doctors. The organizers are supported by Famed Żywiec, which joined the initiative as a strategic sponsor. The Żywiec-based company is one of the first in the world to use carbon fibre in the production of operating tables, the use of which makes medical imaging easier and safer. The Famed Flare operating table top offers a record-breaking X-ray translucency coefficient, which contributes to increased safety for doctors and patients.
— From the beginning of our studies, radiology has been a subject of our interest. It is one of the most prospective fields of medicine. Through the introduction of new technologies and solutions, it creates opportunities for continuous development and requires constant updating of knowledge. It is an extremely important element in modern clinical diagnostics and sometimes even forms the basis for a correct diagnosis of a given disease entity. Interdisciplinarity of radiology makes it an extremely versatile field, it appears in the work of almost every specialist, from cardiologist to emergency medicine physician — says Tamara Dunajewska, a spokesperson for Resonnez.
— Our mission is to care for the good of the patient, and the key in this matter is to support the development of doctors. This is what the «Polish Radiology Month» serves to achieve. Thanks to such initiatives, young medical staff have the opportunity not only to gain professional knowledge, but also to get acquainted with the functionality of modern medical equipment. We hope that this will allow young people full of passion to develop even better in their profession,» comments Marek Suczyk, Famed Żywiec vice-president.
W założeniu organizatorów webinary mają na celu poszerzyć horyzonty przyszłych medyków oraz być treściwym odświeżeniem wiedzy dla czynnych zawodowo lekarzy.
— We want to integrate the community centered around radiology. In our opinion, this field is an investment in the future, and the creation of tomorrow’s medicine is one of the main objectives of Résonnez. We have decided to donate part of the funds raised from the tickets to the Foundation for Children with Cancer, so the Polish Radiology Month also has charitable overtones — adds Tamara Dunajewska.
The trainings will be attended by final-year medical students and doctors from all over Poland. A series of seminars on the interpretation of X-rays will be conducted by the founder of RÉSONNEZ and the initiator of the Poznan School of Radiology and Polish Radiology Month — Dominik Kobylarek, MD and Amelia Ilnicka, MD. The speakers of the first edition of the «Polish Radiology Month» are mainly young doctors who have an interesting and innovative approach to topics related to imaging diagnostics.
The session will use state-of-the-art medical equipment, including the Famed Flare operating table. The use of carbon fibre in the table top — Famed is one of the pioneers of this technology — allows you to maximally reduce the radiation dose to the patient and staff during surgery. This makes intraoperative imaging much safer. Flare is also dedicated to vascular surgery. Famed cooperates with GE Healthcare in the area of C-arms distribution in Poland.
— Both the knowledge of doctors and the equipment they use are important for the development of «medicine of tomorrow», including such an important area as medical imaging. In this area, we continue to improve our solutions, as exemplified by the use of carbon fiber in the production of operating tables that allow for excellent quality X-ray images with reduced radiation dose. This is a breakthrough ‘technology of tomorrow’ which meets the needs of the medical community, improving the safety and effectiveness of treatment,» concludes Marek Suczyk, Vice-President of Famed Żywiec.
RÉSONNEZ® is an organization founded in 2019 that brings together ambitious students of the University of Medical Sciences in Poznan and young doctors. The motto of its members is the desire to continuously learn and share knowledge. The aim of the initiative is to build a community committed to the development of Polish radiology. Among the projects completed so far are Europe’s first Summer International Radiology Course, the Poznan School of Radiology and the International Congress of Young Radiologists. RÉSONNEZ® also supports students in their first years of medical school by providing educational content on anatomy. On the initiative of RÉSONNEZ®, the Dr. Marian Szulc Foundation in Support of Science was created in 2020 to, among other things, promote education, research and clinical technologies, and to organize and promote scientific events. The Foundation also runs a program to support the development and career of medical students. Volunteers and members of the Foundation in their daily activities commemorate the knowledge of the professional, social and patriotic attitude of Dr. Marian Szulc and the values he professed.