Reinsberg Group
Cama hospitalarias

Famed NANO

Famed NANO is an advanced hospital bed which is ideal for intensive care units and recovery rooms of any hospital. The patient weight measurement system, pre-programmed positions available at the touch of a button, the Early Patient Mobilisation System and the easy to use SoftDropPlus™ handrails ensure patient comfort and safety and make the medical staff’s work easier.


The Famed NANO was designed for the needs of patients in intensive care and recovery wards. The design based on a stable base gives medical staff a durable tool to care and work with patients who require a special attention. Pre programmed therapy functions at the touch of a button and an early patient mobilisation system make work easier and ensure a comfortable recovery for the patient. An optional weight measurement system allows you to control the weight of the patient on the bed and the columnar design allows the use of bedside x-ray equipment.


The central control panel, remote control or side rail panels allow you to get the full potential of this advanced bed. One-touch bed positions, SoftDropPlus™ one hand side rails and angle indicators make the work of the healthcare staff easier. The columnar design, ABS covers and fully removable platform boards make the bed easy to disinfect. Side panels dedicated to patients enable operation even for short-sighted patients. The early patient mobilization system helps faster recovery and is ideal for intensive care units.


Full-length side rails protect the patient from falling. The constant distance between the handrails prevents fingers and hands from getting trapped, and the 9 grab points ensure safe and comfortable position changes and getting out of bed. The double auto-regression reduces excessive pressure on the lumbar spine in a sitting position. Plastic and varnished parts made with antiseptic pSilver™ technology. The central caster locking, the ability to lock the bed functions on the central panel and the unlimited access to the CPR lever gives the staff full control of the bed.

Side rails along the entire length of the
Anti-microbial pSilver™ technology
Head board acting as a support for CPR
Control panels dedicated to patients and staff
X-ray transparent HPL (MAE 0.39 mm Al)
Bright, contrasting colors on the panel and protrusions on the icons dedicated for visually impaired.
Innovative VEM panel, a multitude of quickly available positions
Possibility to personalize the bed
Plastic bumpers (less damage for medical equipment and walls)
Foot board lock to prevent it from falling out during transport and enabling VEM therapy and rehabilitation
Four sockets for mounting accessories
Central wheel lock
SoftDropPlus™ side rails that lower below the mattress platform
Easy access to CPR levers
Hooks with position adjustment
Easy to disinfect ABS plastic
Stable column construction
Patient weight measurement system accurate to 100 g
Wired remote control
Anatomical hand grip and very early mobilization panel
Optional height adjustable or height and tilt adjustable foot controller
Mattress holders


Famed NANO - a universal hospital bed which is perfect for intensive care units
Patient weight measurement system
Side rails along the entire length of the bed
One-hand operation
Column design

Patient weight measurement system

The patient weighing system monitors weight to an accuracy of 100 grams and allows medical staff to monitor certain parameters of the health status of patients in the ICU.

system pomiaru wagi

Side rails along the entire length of the bed

The SoftDropPlus™ handrails protect the patient from falling out of bed during sleep. This safe solution is also ideal in situations where the patient is disoriented and panicking. The side rails on our icu bed really go below the mattress platform, which combined with the small height of the mattress platform to the floor, makes it easy to carry out day-to-day patient care, transferring patients to a stretcher or early mobilisation.

poręcze na całej długości


The central control panel has been equipped with an early patient mobilization system which is divided into 3 phases activated with the use of dedicated buttons. The use of this solution in Famed NANO bed not only improves the comfort of work for the medical staff but also allows patients to recover faster by standing up and performing simple muscle recovery exercises under the supervision of a physiotherapist. The application of the various phases of very early mobilization will require an assessment of the patient’s condition.

wczesna mobilizacja

One-hand operation

The SoftDropPlus™ side rails on Famed NANO, activated by a single button position, accessible from either side of the CPR lever allows the bed to be operated with only one hand, which facilitates the work of medical staff and allows them to fully focus on patient care. An optional foot control allows hands-free operation of some bed functions.

obsługa 1 ręką

Column design

The stable, two-column construction ensures safe conditions for the patient and medical staff and enables C-arm X-ray imaging. The simple design also contributes to shortening the time needed for disinfection.


Famed NANO has everything that a modern hospital bed designed for use in intensive care units should have. The bed has been designed to make it as easy as possible for medical staff to take care of a patient requiring a lot of attention, while ensuring comfort and safety for both of them. The programmed therapeutic functions help patients recover faster and shorten their recovery time.



Easy to use and intuitive control options improve comfort for medical staff
Central panel
VEM central panel
Control panel for patient
Control panel for personnel
VEM mobilization button
Remote control
Sterownik nożny

Central panel

The central panel offers several positions that the bed will obtain automatically when one dedicated button is pressed and held. Famed NANO can be put in an rescue and examination positions, Fowler, cardiac chair positions and three vascular positions. The CPR function can be activated electrically using the panel. Some functions of the hand remote control or patient panel can be disabled by the staff using the central panel. This prevents accidental changes of the position of the bed and negative effects of the patient taking on a position which would be unsuitable for them due to their condition. The panel also has a built-in flashlight.


VEM central panel

The central control panel enables you to activate an examination position, rescue position, Fowler position, cardiac chair position, CPR and three vascular positions using the preprogrammed functions available at the touch of a button. There are also three VEM (Very Early Mobilization) settings, activation button, locks, mains disconnection indicator, battery status indicator.


Control panel for patient

On the inside of the side rails there are control panels that allow patients to adjust the position of the bed to their own needs. The patient can also use the nurse call system and cann turn on light under the bed.

DSC00108- panel wew

Control panel for personnel

The panels on the outside of the side rails allow medical personnel to control bed positions, including longitudinal tilts and rescue position.

panel dla personelu’

VEM mobilization button

The early mobilization panel on the outside of the side rails allows the patient to control the height of the bed (lower position of the bed is 390 mm). The patient can support himself on the side rail and at the same he can adjust the height of the bed to a position that will help him get out of the bed.

panel do pionizacji

Remote control

It offers adjustable positioning of bed positions such as height, backrest angle, thigh segment inclination angle and autocontour.


Sterownik nożny

Allows height adjustment and simultaneous patient work and assistance during bed repositioning. You can also choose the optional foot control with height adjustment and longitudinal tilt.


A central panel with the many options, a wired remote control for adjusting the most important positions, a VEM panel and controls for the patient and carer mounted in the side rails guarantee functionality and comfort.



Very Early Mobilization - a must-have for any ICU bed
First phase
Second phase
Third phase

First phase

First phase – the patient can use the panel integrated into the siderail to move the backrest up, higher and higher – as long as it is comfortable. For the ICU patients the staff should perform the action – use a 30° position or above to prevent VAP. Using a lower angle can be one of the factors for VAP.


Second phase

In the second phase – assisted by medical staff, automatic cardiac chair position can be activated – a staff member assists. The patient can be verticalized a little bit to test if he is in a condition that will enable him to leave the bed in the third phase. Reverse Trendelenburg position is set to test the ability of standing up. Patient can use the locked bed end as a support area for his feet. Some core exercises can be performed and a physiotherapist can start a muscle strength rebuild program.


Third phase

In third phase, with the assistance of staff and setting the bed in the reverse-Trendelenburg position, the patient can try to get up. If the patient is strong enough to try to stand on his own, he can use the dedicated control panel located on the outside of the side rail. The anatomical hand grip on the side rail is equipped with up / down buttons to raise the patient to a level where he can stand up on his own.


Very early patient mobilization is an important part of any modern hospital. The named NEXO makes it easy for the patient to get out of bed and exercise by using dedicated VEM panels, high pitch parameter, and locked-in, stable peaks and multi-grip handrails. Famed NANO can help the patient stand up and move away from the bed, encouraging him to return to form and health. Studies show that off-bed rehabilitation is possible in more than 65% of patients.

An out-of-bed mobilization is any activity where the patient sits over the edge of the bed (dangling), stands, walks or marches. Admission of a patient to such activity will be possible after consideration of his neurological condition – general peace and ability to follow simple command are required. Proper mobilization level should be determined based on patient condition, respiratory criteria, cardiovascular criteria, neurological conditions and others (post-operative recommendations/general condition).



Famed NANO ICU bed is a proven and safe construction for patients and medical staff
Easy access to CPR
Tops lock into the bed frame
Constant distance between handrails
Head board as a CPR support.
Double autoregression
Central wheel lock and alarm for unlocked wheels

Easy access to CPR

Convenient to use, easy to spot levers are available on both sides of the bed, regardless of the position of the side rails – in full range of motion of the backrest. The proximity to the patient makes it possible to check his condition on an ongoing basis when lowering the backrest in a life-threatening situation.


Tops lock into the bed frame

The head and foot boards are locked into the bed frame with intuitive mushroom clips. This ensures better stability when manoeuvring the bed in hospital corridors and also provides solid support for the patient’s legs during rehabilitation exercises and verticalisation.

Bez nazwy-1

Constant distance between handrails

The constant distance between the elements ensures comfortable and safe usage, preventing accidental trapping of hands. The movement can be initiated with one hand, while the other hand can be used to protect the patient. Gas springs ensure a quiet and smooth
lowering motion.

Stała odległosć

Head board as a CPR support.

The quickly removable headboard can be used for additional resuscitation support. Additionally, the unique design of the side rails that drop below the level of the bed provides unlimited access to the patient during resuscitation.

wsparcie CPR

Double autoregression

Double autoregression reduces excessive compression
in the lumbar spine while in a sitting position. Excessive pressure on tissues causing damage to capillaries and consequently leading to damage to those tissues and the form of wounds and ulcers is one of the causes of pressure sores. Pressure reduction is therefore a preventive method of pressure ulcer therapy and supports rapid patient recovery.

podwójna autoregresja

Central wheel lock and alarm for unlocked wheels

The levers on both sides of the bed allow for easy and quick blocking of the bed – they can also be operated from the front. Clear color coding and acoustic confirmation of the lever position make it easier to recognize the brake position. In Additionally, the bed has an unlocked wheel alarm to inform staff of an unlocked wheel system.

blokada kół

The well-thought-out construction of the Famed NANO ICU bed has been designed for the safe work of the medical staff and the comfortable and safe recovery of the patient. The pSilver™ antiseptic technology used in all plastic and varnished components, side rails along the bed’s length, stable column structure, ABS covers, easily accessible CPR levers and a headbord as a CPR support are just a few features that make Famed NANO a solution that will work well in any hospital.



Famed NANO hospital bed with antiseptic pSilver™ technology
pSilver™ technology
Column structure
ABS base covers
Smart-thinking: panels filling the mattress platform.
Tested resistance to disinfecting agents

pSilver™ technology

Plastic elements contain silver nanoparticles – this is a lifetime protection and a guarantee of less frequent reproduction of viruses and bacteria. We use a similar antibacterial additive in the varnish powder as well. Famed Żywiec has been offering and refining this technology for several years.


Column structure

The construction based on two stable columns significantly reduces the number of corners and places where dirt is easily absorbed. This makes disinfection quick and easy.

mycie kolumny

ABS base covers

Famed NANO hospital bed base covers are made of ABS plastic with pSilver™ technology whose smooth surface not only prevents accumulation of contamination but also allows easy removal from the surface. The covers can be easily removed to disinfect the metal components of the bed base.

Mycie podstawy ABS

Smart-thinking: panels filling the mattress platform.

The reduced number of elements that staff have to disassemble for cleaning and the reduced number and size of spaces between the HPL elements means reduced cleaning and disinfection times. The mattress platform cover as much as 91% of the surface, protecting the actuators and pantograph chassis against contamination.

Demontowalne wypłenienie leża

Tested resistance to disinfecting agents

The more and more aggressive fight against germs means the constant development of disinfectants. Famed Żywiec, as one of the few manufacturers of medical equipment, has its own laboratory that tests every available agent. We deliver our products with a compatibility list and cleaning recommendations.

Mycie wypełnienia leża

Disinfection of healthcare rooms and equipment is an integral and important part of the work of medical staff. Neglecting the disinfection procedures may have a negative impact on the health and even life of patients residing in hospital wards. Longer hospital stays, rising treatment costs and the risk of lawsuits can be a major burden on a hospital’s financial situation. The Famed NANO hospital bed was designed for effective and rapid disinfection – a helping hand in the fight against hospital infections.


¿Estás interesado en el producto? FAMED NANO?

Contact us and discuss the opportunity of hospital bed testing. To touch is to believe. Let us demonstrate our long-time experience and the highest quality.

Datos técnicos
Longitud 2180 mm
Ancho total 985 mm
Altura mínima 390/435 mm (weighted version)
Altura máxima 770/805 mm (weighted version)
Ángulo de elevación del respaldo 70°
Ajuste de segmento de muslos 40°
Posición de Trendelenburg 15°
Posición de anti-Trendelenburg 15°
Carga máxima 250 kg

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